
Property initialization

To initiate the component properties, use init$ property map:

class MyComponent extends Symbiote {

  init$ = {
    myProp: 'some value',
    someOtherProp: 123,
    oneMoreProp: true,


The init$-map should be a plane object, that provide access to all values by the top-level keys. Access to the some nested property values are not allowed regarding the performance purposes.

Get access to the actual property value

To get access to the any property value, use $-interface which is implemented as a standard JavaScript Proxy-object:

class MyComponent extends Symbiote {

  init$ = {

  renderCallback() {
    // To write the new value:
    this.$.time =;

    // To read current value:


Making multiple changes

To change multiple property values at once, you can use the set$ method:

class MyComponent extends Symbiote {

  init$ = {
    firstProp: 'some value',
    secondProp: 'some value',

  renderCallback() {
      firstProp: 'new value',
      secondProp: 'new value',


Property subscription

To subscribe on some property changes, use the sub method:

class MyComponent extends Symbiote {

  init$ = {
    myProp: 'some value',

  renderCallback() {

    this.sub('myProp', (newVal) => {
      // do something...

    // This will invoke the subscription callback:
    this.$.myProp = 'Changed value';



If needed, you can trigger the change manually, using notify method:

class MyComponent extends Symbiote {

  init$ = {
    myProp: 'some value',

  renderCallback() {


Computed properties

Some of your properties can compute their values automatically:

class MyComponent extends Symbiote {

  init$ = {
    a: 1,
    b: 1,
    '+sum': () => this.$.a + this.$.b;


MyComponent.template = html`<div>{{+sum}}</div>`;

For this purpose, use the + prefix for the property name.

Note, that computed property will try to compute it's new value on any other property change. But it doesn't make any excess render in case of the final value has not been changed.

Also, to trigger the change manually, use the notify method:

class MyComponent extends Symbiote {

  init$ = {
    '+computedText': () => this.textContent + '!';

  renderCallback() {
    this.textContent = 'Hello';


Property context and tokens

Symbiote-component is able to interact with different types of properties, not with the own local properties only. The certain type of that interaction could be set by context tokens:

More details about context types and the related tokens you can find in the Context section.